Srish Chem

About Us

Srish Chem Pvt Ltd is proud to offer a wide spectrum of comprehensive solutions to meet the diverse needs of our valued clientele. Our primary area of expertise revolves around providing our customers with unparalleled technical knowledge, enabling them to make informed decisions when it comes to selecting and implementing the appropriate chemicals, equipment, or process aids tailored to their unique and specific circumstances.

In our pursuit of excellence, Srish Chem Pvt Ltd has diligently developed a complete line of offerings, encompassing Textile Chemicals, Auxiliaries, Dyes, and Water Treatment Chemicals and Equipment. These product categories are engineered to cater to a broad range of customers, including those in the industrial, municipal, and institutional sectors, with a focus on efficient and effective wastewater management.

What sets us apart is our holistic business strategy, one that revolves around delivering not only high-quality water treatment equipment and chemicals but also exceptional application and technical services. This unique position in the water treatment field positions us as pioneers in providing comprehensive solutions to our customers. We believe that this distinctive approach empowers us with superior insight and knowledge, allowing us to adeptly design, recommend, and support our customers’ water treatment requirements.

At Srish Chem, we are committed to making a difference. We are dedicated to providing cost-effective solutions and superior results in the realm of Textile Processing. Our diverse range of offerings is designed not only to enhance the performance of our clients’ businesses but also to bring about substantial cost benefits. With Srish Chem Pvt Ltd as your partner, you can rest assured that your unique requirements will be met with the highest level of professionalism and expertise.

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise

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A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradise


Our Vision

To be a competitive leader in the chemical sector by constantly developing and upgrading our products while remaining true to our core values.


Our Mission

Our mission is to establish beneficial relationship with our customers and suppliers by supporting, serving, and satisfying all our valuable customers with high quality chemical, life science and consumer products.

Our Commitment to Quality

Quality is the cornerstone of everything we do. Our relentless pursuit of excellence has led us to develop cutting-edge chemical solutions that not only meet but often exceed industry standards. We are committed to ensuring that our products enable our clients to achieve outstanding results in their respective fields.

Diverse Industry Applications

Our wide range of chemicals finds applications across a spectrum of industries: