Srish Chem

Textile Chemicals

A wide range of specialty chemicals for adding value across the board from fibre to fabric are available. We offer chemicals for pre-treatment, dyeing, printing and finishing of textiles. Of the wide range of Pre-treatment chemicals we have chemicals that are free from APEO , NPEO & Hazardous substances and also those that are 100 % Biodegradable.

Our antifoaming Agents in dyeing chemicals give excellent results. Bio polishing enzymes, Dye Fixing agents, Optical Brightening Agents, Peroxide Stabilizer and more have unique features to deliver results. An expert team promptly delivers to specific challenges faced by customers and this is possible only because of the all round expertise gathered through the years.

Scouring Agents: These remove natural waxes, oils, and other impurities from the fabric. Sodium hydroxide and surfactants are often used.

Bleaching Agents: Used to whiten the fabric by removing natural colorants, as well as any remaining impurities.

Desizing Agents: These help in removing sizing agents used in the weaving process. Enzymes or chemicals like amylase are employed.

Sequestrants: They prevent metal ions from interfering with dyes or bleaching agents.

Wetting Agents: These reduce the surface tension of water and improve its penetration into the fabric. Surfactants are often used as wetting agents.

Defoamers: To control foam formation during various pretreatment processes.

pH Regulators: Chemicals to control and maintain the pH of the bath at the desired level.

Antioxidants: These chemicals prevent degradation of dyes or fabric during pretreatment.

Enzymes: Used in biopolishing to improve fabric handle and reduce pilling.

Complexing Agents: Used for the removal of metal ions that can cause color changes in the fabric.